Our goal is to turn you from someone who wants to play TTRPGs into someone who wants to run them.
Draw Steel
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
>>Preorder DraW sTEEL on Backerkit
Free Preview Packets:
Running the Game:
Episode 1: Your First Adventure - Let's make a dungeon! Just a quick, five-encounter Tomb, nothing fancy.
Episode 2: Your First Session - Playing for the first time can be awkward. So let's meet in an inn! Classic opening.
Episode 3: Running Your First Dungeon - In which we fight goblins! Lots of advice on running your first several rounds of combat.
All the rest: Running the Game Playlist on Matt Colville’s YouTube Channel
>>learn more
MCDM Books for D&D 5th Edition:
MCDM Minis by Trenchworx
Trenchworx has produced all the minis for our crowdfunding campaigns over the years. They carry a large selection of miniatures and .stl files for your table that you can find on their store.